Daily life

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Belated happy new year. I have been meaning to write but did not have the time or the energy, which is actually my perpetual state of mind it seems!

My first day of the new year was quite less lonelier than I had imagined being on my own in a new country and all and a lot more crowded than I anticipated as I got a sudden invite to one of my aunt’s places who lives near me. It was a family get together and there were many people whom I had not seen until my last visit to a wedding few months back.

It was nice being with them. Before my aunt called, I had sort of planned the day to spend on my own by going to park, eating out but it was a nice change eating home made food not cooked by me and hanging out with distant cousins.

Apart from that my last year eve was pretty hectic at work. When you work in marketing holidays always put a workload on you as you have to take care of all kinds of seasonal promotions, greetings and what not. I guess it is a great thing that I have so much experience from my previous work experience of working under pressure.

Last year, I failed my goodreads reading challenge after about 2 years I think. I read 35 out of 90 books which is less than 50%. In the last week of the last decade of the last year (I had fun typing that out by the way) I did read a couple of books by Julie Buxbaum. This was the first time I read any of her books and I enjoyed it quite a lot. I am glad that I ended the year with a few good reads even if I failed the challenge.

So my 2019 highlights are pretty much on the point

  1. I quit my job of 3.5 years
  2. Moved to another country on my own
  3. Found a new job, that too in my field
  4. Failed my goodreads reading challenge 😦

Lesson learned in 2019

If I had to say a lesson I learned in 2019 it is to have patience, things will change for the better or for the worse, but change – it will for sure.

2020 Resolution

I am going to stick to my resolution of not having any resolution. But one thing I would like to focus on is save some money so that I can fulfill my lifelong dream of travel as many places as I can in my life.

To end this post, here are a few snapshots from my December photo diary some of which might be a repeat since I do not take that many pictures.

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