
Thank Goodness, I Was Born Before The Digital Era

When I see the way the world and life is as it is today, I have a newfound gratitude and appreciation for being a 90’s kid – that I grew up in a world not addicted to the screen, and heavily influenced by social media.

Even though I spent almost my entire life in a city, it didn’t always used to be the concrete jungle it is today. Some of my favourite childhood memories include playing with my cousins in vast open green fields of grass in our neighbourhood in the afternoons. Although I was not into sports I still had a physcially active childhood playing an assortment of games some of which that today’s kids probably never even heard of including borof-pani, shat chara, hide and seek and so on.

We also used to regularly play a myriad of board games like caram board, ludo, and other guessing games like chor-poolish (thief-police – a paper based guessing game where the police had to identify the thief or robber).

Some of my happiest and vivid childhood memories include chasing baby goats, chicks , butterflies or catching fireflies. I remember making paper boats and floating them in rain puddles or flying paper planes or pen fighting with cousins and school friends and playing with marbles. Instead of texting, we used to pass notes in the classroom, and it used to have its own kind of fun and thrill.

Instead of ipads, we used to spend countless hours reading a wide variety of books from detective stories to classic literature to comics.

I am not denying that technology has its positive impact on our lives, but being an old school at heart, I am glad that I got to experience my childhood before technology took over our lives.

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